I’m Kelly. Also known as Ms. Davey.
I’m a secondary English teacher and #TeacherCare advocate. I live in small-town Ontario with my partner and we just started the adventure of becoming homeowners. So far, so good! (check back after the winter..) I love a hot cup of tea, true crime binges on Netflix, many genres of music, Beach Body fitness, and all the chips I can fit in my stomach. Pleased to make your acquaintance!
In the few years that I’ve been teaching, I’ve learned a lot about what it means to have a “work/life balance”. Now, there are a lot of opinions out there about whether or not a work/life balance is truly possible. I’ll be honest with you, as a teacher there have been many times I agreed that it just wasn’t. Some say if you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life, and again, I just don’t think that’s true, at least not for all of us. I love what I do and I work often… and hard.
But when that balance becomes so uneven that you’ll do anything to keep from toppling over, you know something has got to give. Not all teachers are this stressed, not all teachers are this overwhelmed. You’re right, they’re not. The teachers who appear to “have it all together” don’t have it all figured it out, but they do have one thing figured out – they consider themselves their #1 priority.
As a secondary teacher certified in English, Geography, Social Science, and Guidance Education with experience in brick-and-mortar as well as online classrooms, I’ve kind of been all over the map. I’ve held all sorts of positions with a range of responsibilities. Each one with a to-do list slightly or entirely different than the last. This means prep. What I’ve managed to figure out are strategies that works best for me to ensure I have healthy habits, strict boundaries, a seamless process for prep, and a smaller workload (particularly marking!).
This blog gives me the opportunity for me to share those strategies with others through advice, resources, and coming soon… a #TeacherCare program, where I will guide you through becoming your #1 priority in and out of the classroom.
Chat soon! Kel.